Over the years, many studies have been carried out to find out whether it’s better for people to have live in care, or to go into a care home. The results vary – after all, it is all dependent on the person themselves, what they feel is best, what their family think, and what complex needs they may have.

However, what the studies do tend to show is that, if it’s possible, it does help to keep people at home – with live in care Maidstone – for as long as possible. Why is this?

It’s because it enables people to be more independent, even if they rely on live in care Maidstone to help them with day to day tasks. They can stay where they are most comfortable, and that combined with being able to do as much as possible for themselves is better for their mental health. Mental and physical health is hugely connected, and when one is at risk, the other follows. So by keeping someone’s mental health as positive as possible, their physical ailments won’t seem quite so bad. And that then creates more positivity, which keeps the entire cycle going. By having live in care Maidstone to foster this positive thinking and feelings of well-being, older people can potentially stay happier and healthier for longer.

We can do this by ensuring that we only take on care workers who understand and empathise with the people they are caring for. If we would be happy for them to look after a member of our own family – or even ourselves – then we know they can work wonders for you and yours.

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